🤓 Greetings from TechWalk: 60 blogs or 60 minutes?

60 hours or 60 minutes to improve your community experience

Listen, we love a deep-dive…

…but some things are too urgent for a trip down the rabbit hole (as I’m currently doing with my research on Thanksgiving desserts; FYI salted caramel cheesecake is the current winner) If you have joined or are thinking about joining a community in the hopes of getting:

  • New business/customers/clients

  • A new job

  • Or expanding your network

We hope you will join our webinar “Purposeful Participation: How to Nurture the Full Potential of Your Community Memberships” along with our 100+ other registrants to learn the RIGHT way to leverage your involvement. Or you can read a bunch of research on the topic, that could be fun too. Let us know what you find out.

Above is a picture from last week’s walk in Central Park. Can you see that person waaaay in the back? That was almost our whole group! I met so many interesting people and I’m already looking forward to this Wednesday when we are welcoming Carmel Tavori, Sales Development, Demandbase and Nathan Habib, Founder and Facilitator at Creative with Comedy as our TechWalk Co-Hosts. Both are interested in expanding their professional networks so please feel free to drop by their profiles and send a connection request in advance of the November 15th walk.

Finally, if and only if, you have attended a TechWalk in real life you are eligible to join our private community on Linkedin, send a message to [email protected] with the date or dates (!) you attended and we’ll send you a link to connect with other members of the TechWalk community.

Happy Walking!

Christine Farrier Rosemin
