⏰ Hi from TechWalk: Can AI do our networking for us?

Given the choice to outsource exercise or networking which would you choose?

I’m still reading The Little Book of Networking: How to Grow Your Career One Conversation at a Time by Kurt Schmidt, Founder of the Foundry, a software design agency and the host of Schmidtlist: The Entrepreneurship Podcast. In this week’s reading, he mentions that one of the first objections to prioritizing professional networking by his clients is that they don’t have time. His response is a rather strong sentiment that might be echoed by a personal trainer being told by an unhealthy person with some bad fitness habits, that they can’t fit exercise into their schedule. “BS!” The time is there. And unless someone tells me otherwise, I don’t think we are yet at the point where we can hand off networking or exercise to AI. So keep reading to learn Kurt’s recommendations for networking time management. But first…

TechWalk Ambassador Program

…The TechWalk Ambassador Program is now accepting applications. This 12-week program, launching on April 1st, will offer participants the opportunity to build powerful connections with Tech and SaaS professionals. In addition, Ambassadors will be provided a path to grow or expand their personal branding, community management, marketing, and social media expertise. Who is the program good for? Here are a few profiles we had in mind while creating the program:

  • Recent college graduates

  • Transplants to NYC

  • Early pivots to a tech career

  • Folks between roles, seeking their next opportunity

  • People hoping to transition to a new functional area in tech

  • Anybody wanting to improve their networking skills

If this sounds like you or someone you know, applications will be open until March 8th!

February 21st TechWalk

We are back to our normal location in Columbus Circle. Joining us this week? Please reach out to our Co-Hosts to say hi in advance of our walk. They are looking forward to meeting you:

Networking Time Management Tips

From: The Little Book of Networking, by Kurt Schmidt (with sprinkles of my own thoughts)

  1. Audit your existing schedule. Are there secret pockets of time already hiding in your calendar? Make your default meeting duration 25 minutes instead of 30.

  2. Delegate or outsource lower-level tasks. If networking might mean a new job, new client or new important business relationship, can someone else help out with other activities that don’t have as high an ROI?

  3. Streamline for efficiency. Capsule wardrobes and meal prep are a few ideas that come to mind. And with all this newfound time…

  4. ...Allocate time and block it out. How much time do you want to spend on networking for the next six months? Block it out on your calendar and commit.

  5. Make a list of the networking events that you want to attend this year. This would be a great time to freshen up your networking targets. Have new groups emerged?

  6. Update your Linkedin profile. Let others know that you are open for networking. Add a calendar link so people can book with you automatically

  7. Get an accountability partner. Keep each other up-to-date on what’s working and what isn’t. Share wins.

Has this list made you think differently about the time you have available for networking? Let us know the changes you are making and we will share your story in an upcoming newsletter.

Upcoming TechWalk Schedule

TechWalk Community Spotlight

TechWalk Schedule Continued…

Congrats on reaching the end of this newsletter! If you would like information on sponsoring our next edition, being a featured member, or joining a future walk as a Co-Host, simply contact us at [email protected]

Happy Walking,

Christine Farrier Rosemin
