🪱🐦 Hi from TechWalk: Get early access to new events!

Ok, that's the last time I'm using that emoji combo...yuck

Welcome to the weekly and as yet un-named newsletter from TechWalk. We are a networking community for Tech and SaaS professionals that offers weekly walks hosted by industry experts and interesting individuals.


Thankfully the TechWalk community is NOT shy!

When we send out our event surveys, community members share exactly what they like and what could use some improvement.

  • What’s going well? Walking and talking (!), partner swaps, on-time event starts, access to Co-Hosts

  • Requested changes? Longer walks, weekend events, more professional development support

We heard you loud and clear and we’re delivering. Starting on October 19th, we’re launching a new walking series called “Coffee and Coaches” (peep the alliteration because I’m a marketer and I can’t help myself 😃 ). Here’s what you need to know about this new event:

  • Kicking things off with our first Saturday event on October 19, 2024. Based on demand, we’ll schedule more sessions

  • Capped at 25 attendees

  • We’re bringing in NYC-based career and niche professional subject matter expertise coaches to address your top priority questions

  • Newsletter subscribers can use the code FIRSTFIVE to secure the first five complimentary tickets for these events

  • We’ll meet at an easy-to-find location, curate coach/attendee matches based on topics of interest and then head to a nearby coffee shop for light refreshments and extended networking

West Coast TechWeek Updates

Our West Coast TechWeek events (San Francisco and Los Angeles) are rapidly approaching and we’d like to invite the TechWalk community to join us in the fun.

Will you be attending SF or LA TechWeek?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Thanks to everyone who responded to our initial call for Co-Hosts! We are making our way through the responses. In the meantime, please meet the first batch of confirmed guest speakers and welcome them to the event:

Wondering how else you can get involved? There are lots of options to choose from:

(If you have no interest in our West Coast happenings, please forward this message to those you know who are participating)

  • Register for a walk. TechWeek events do tend to sell out and managing pending waitlist approvals is a pain. So get a jump on your itinerary and sign up for events early. (San Francisco and Los Angeles TechWalks)

  • Join Qapita, the equity management platform, as one of our sponsors. Sponsors support the expansion of an accessible and healthy networking movement, while reaping the benefit of a unique branding and lead generation opportunity. We’ve already surpassed 200 registrants for our SF TechWalk and expect to cap the event at 700 registrations. See a small sample of our registrants thus far (below) Click here to learn more.

  • Be a Co-Host. Share your insights and expertise with TechWalk event registrants and attendees.  Expect to boost your profile, forge new connections, and strengthen existing relationships.  Light lift.  Big returns. Ideal Co-Hosts include senior industry leaders, founders, investors and folks with a unique perspective. Nominate yourself or pass the info along to someone else who you think would be a good fit.

  • Volunteer. Deepen your engagement with the TechWalk community. Make new friends.  Help to ensure our events go off without a hitch.  Spread the word on social media.  Have something interesting to chat about on Linkedin :) Join the team

Welcome to the TechWalk Community

Last week 🥳 145 🥳 people registered for upcoming TechWalks. Check out a few of our latest additions to the community. Thanks for planning to join an event - we are so happy you are here!

Upcoming Walks

TechWalk Calendar

Congrats on reaching the end of this newsletter. If you would like information on sponsoring our next edition, being a featured member, or joining a future walk as a Co-Host, simply contact us at [email protected]

Happy Walking,

Christine Farrier Rosemin
