👢Howdy from TechWalk: Square Dancing vs. Networking

Which one do you prefer?

Were you explicitly taught networking skills in school?

I certainly wasn’t. Good thing they made time for square dancing though. Yes, back in the day at NYC elementary schools, square dancing was on the curriculum. Why no focus on networking, community participation, or relationship building? Maybe educators figured it would happen organically. But I don’t work well with subtleties. If someone had said to me, “Your ability to establish and nurture relationships, from a place of generosity and authenticity will impact every area of your life,” I absolutely would have paid attention (lol, and tried to get an A, because that’s how I’m wired). How about you?

Well, we are making up for lost time with our upcoming webinar “Purposeful Participation: How to Nurture the Full Potential of Your Community Memberships” On November 16th at 12:00 PM ET, you will hear from our panel of community experts who lead and guide GIANT communities, on what it takes to get the most out of your networking efforts. Have a question that you would like to submit in advance of the webinar, send it to [email protected] or go visit our speakers and message them directly.

P.S. Everyone who registers for this webinar will be eligible for a complimentary 30-minute coaching session with Leang.

Have you already registered for this week’s TechWalk? Thanks to the promotion efforts of our Co-Hosts, we are expecting a pretty big crowd. If you are interested in a 1:1 walk with one of our hosts, shoot me a message to secure your spot. And to help with prep for the walk, here’s what our hosts are interested in chatting about:

  • Dhwani Dalal, Director, Sales Strategy & Operations, Docusign - GTM strategy & all things rev ops, Women of Color in tech, Career progression & career mobility, and immigrating to and navigating the job landscape in the US.

  • Sarah Zambuto, Senior Business Development and Partnerships Manager, JBC - the hiring process, candidate interviews, attracting top talent, and landing your dream job.

If you can’t join us tomorrow, we have a few other options…

Our Friday morning TechWalks are LIVE! The first one will take place on 11/10.



Have an event, announcement or request you want to get in front of the growing TechWalk community? Our growing newsletter reaches 1000+ Tech and SaaS professionals each week. So whether you are looking for co-founder, hiring for your team, or seeking mentorship, send us a note and we will get you included in an upcoming newsletter.

Happy Walking!

Christine Farrier Rosemin
